About me:

“Singing is my biggest passion and I love to share it with the world!”

Hello everybody! I am voice teacher Nina Standaert.
At 6 years old, I already knew I wanted to become a singer. I loved singing so much, that I used to lock myself up in my room every day after school to sing along to my favorite singers.

At the age of 12 I enrolled in Classical singing classes. Even though I had a classical background, I listened to many rock bands, which helped me through those troubled teenage years.

To grow further as a singer, I have been taking private singing classes to accommodate the styles that I like. I studied “Complete Vocal Techniques” with a few private teachers for four years. But as I noticed I had reached a plateau with the lessons provided there, I switched to “Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy” instead to further my skills.

As my training progressed I gained an insatiable hunger for information about the voice. And I felt a strong urge to share my passion and knowledge with the world.
Becoming a voice teacher was my next goal. I enrolled in the New York Vocal Coaching Teacher Training. I am a proud graduate from their 2023 Winter Course class.

Next to the training I have received as a singer, I have also worked at a Belgian music chain store, Key Music NV where I learnt a lot about musical instruments and studio equipment.